Multi Panel Blaster Packaging

Multi Panel

Information about content stays with product.

Multi panel packaging is used to create more communication space, but also to keep the information with the product, and make it possible to have a multiple of blisters and products in one packaging. In the pharmaceutical sector multi panel packaging, also referred to as ‘wallets’, are used as secondary packaging for pharmaceutical drugs, tablets and pills that are pre-packed in a primary blister/aluminum foil combination. The advantage of using multi panel packaging as a secondary packaging for the drugs is that the information about the content always stays with the drug itself unlike folding boxes where the information about the drug is often lost after separating the blister strip from the box.

Always designed to match your product.

Multi panel packaging can be designed in many different types and sizes, with as many panels as required, but always designed to match your product. Besides pharmaceutical applications multi panel packaging is also used for products that need a great shelf presentation, even in case the product itself is not very eye catching. The product can be displayed through a blister inside the multi panel package, while the actual function of the product is attractively printed on the outer panel, which is visible in the shop shelf.